Holocaust Book Review: “The Light of Days: Women Fighters of the Jewish Resistance, Their Untold Story”

The Jewish Voice
March 26, 2022

Holocaust Book Review: “The Light of Days: Women Fighters of the Jewish Resistance, Their Untold Story”

Reviewed by: Norman Simms

This is a very well-written, powerful, important and sad book. It is about young women, usually between seventeen and thirty, who give themselves to the fight against the Nazi Holocaust with everything they have. These young women play more than the role of cooks, nursemaids, or aides in the precarious shelters where Jews attempt to hide from the murderous bands that hunt them down and more than as couriers bringing messages between different groups of resisters and escapees. They are often the organizers, the spies who work to manipulate the systematic cruelty in Poland, and who give encouragement and courage to those whose lives are being crushed. The name for these women is kashariyot.